Things to do when selling your house with RedDoor Conveyancing!

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If you are currently trying to sell your house in Melbourne, you know the frustration that comes with it. It can feel like there’s just so much to keep track of, whether it be handling documents, organising your house, or finding the right real estate agent – we understand. So today, we will outline some of the most important aspects to consider when putting your house up on the market and highlight the importance of utilising a conveyancing service.

1. Understand the Current Market

Before even listing your house on the market, you should always scope out the current market situation and how it will affect you. This can be difficult on your own, which is why it’s recommended you consult with a professional such as a real estate agent. 

Understanding the market will allow you to gain strong insight into whether it is a good time for you to sell, make any renovations, or you should wait a bit longer. 

2. Prepare a Budget

Paying people to assist you in selling your house can quickly become expensive without properly laying a foundation of how much you want to invest in the process. It’s important to understand how much you want to pay for renovations to your house, your agent’s commission, taxes after settlement, moving costs, and more

Preparing Your Budget When Selling Your Property

3. Make Your House Presentable

Invest time and resources into cleaning and fixing up as much of your house as you can, first impressions matter, so it’s worth the investment of making everything presentable. There are a lot of budget-friendly methods of doing this including:

  • Changing countertops
  • Painting your walls
  • Deep cleaning carpets
  • Improve lighting
  • Cut the lawn and tidy up the garden

Even the most simple of things can make a drastically big difference when the house is put up on the market.

4. Choose a Good Price

Choosing the right price for a home is an essential step in the selling process. Ensuring you are receiving a fair amount for your house will mean a shorter amount of time spent on the market which will save you both time and money. 

Choosing a good price can be difficult, which is why we recommend seeking the help of a professional real estate agent who understands the intricacies of evaluating the value of a house.

Receiving legal assistance in the sale of your home


 5. Utilise a Conveyancer

Anyone attempting to sell their home will understand just how complex and intricate real estate and property law can be. It can feel daunting to even try to understand everything, which is why conveyancers exist. Conveyancers can provide you with legal guidance throughout each step of the house-selling process.

Some benefits of using a conveyancer include:

  • Preparing the Section 32
  • Handling of documents
  • Dealing with the purchaser’s representative
  • Managing the settlement process

They will protect your interests as a seller by developing the Section 32 and including relevant terms and conditions you would like included in the contract. As such, you can feel that your interests have been represented throughout the selling process. 

 Key Takeaways

Following these five tips will help to ensure that your house sale will go smoothly and you will be satisfied throughout all steps of the process. 

If you are seeking help with the sale of your home then Red Door Conveyancing can provide assistance through the selling process. Get in touch with us today to discuss your specific situation.