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You should get a conveyancer as soon as you start looking to buy a house! They’re like your legal superhero for real estate, helping you with paperwork, checking for hidden problems, and making sure everything goes smoothly when you buy your new place.

Engaging a conveyancer when you begin searching for a house to purchase is highly recommended for the following reasons:

  1. Expertise
  • Conveyancers specialise in the legal intricacies of buying and selling real estate. They can navigate contracts and ensure that your interests are protected.
  1. Document Preparation
  • A conveyancer will review the Section 32 and Vendor Statement and other associated legal documentation required to complete a property transaction. Preparation of this documentation by a professional is critical to ensure the documentation is completed accurately and the settlement process is not impeded.
  1. Property Title Searches
  • Conveyancers conduct thorough property title searches to verify the ownership and legal status of the property. This helps uncover any caveats, encumbrances or potential issues that may affect your ability to use it as intended.
  1. Settlement Coordination
  • Conveyancers play a crucial role in coordinating the settlement process. They liaise with the vendor’s conveyancer, financial institutions and other parties involved to ensure a smooth and timely settlement.
  1. Advice and Guidance
  • A conveyancer can provide you with advice throughout the purchasing process. They can explain the terms of the contract, alert you to potential risks and guide you on the appropriate course of action in various situations.

Engaging a conveyancer when buying a house is a prudent decision that can help streamline the process, protect your interest and minimise the risks associated with property transactions.

It is best to engage the conveyancer when you are beginning your search for a property so that the conveyancer can give you any relevant advice, tips and tricks about purchasing. Most importantly, the conveyancer will review your contract and advise you on this before you place a formal offer.

Get advise and engage only to professional and licensed conveyancer. Contact Red Door Conveyancing on 03 8456 6797 if you have questions and concerns about property conveyancing.